Imam Caught On Video Telling Followers to Lie to Non-Muslims (Updated)

Above is a link to the same video that was previously posted above:  (I apologize for not being able at this time to embed the video, I will be working to fix this. Thanks)

This video clip was taken from a two-hour “Daawah Workshop” given by Imam Wasim Fayed of the Sammamish, WA Mosque, who himself helpfully uploaded the workshop video to YouTube.  He is seen instructing his followers when proselytizing to non-Muslims to tell the truth but “not if it will incriminate you” he also admonishes to not saying anything that you will “regret” when facing Allah at your judgment.  This isn’t the worst that was said at this “workshop” and I will be uploading and posting more relevant clips as well as other Qur’an lessons that this Imam has given.  This, by the way, is the “project” I have been working on and investigating recently.

UPDATE:  This video clip was taken down by YouTube for Copyright infringement… that’s fine.  I’ll go ahead and just post the transcription of the, let’s call it, “incriminating” portion of the video clip.  If you would like to view the original video, it is still posted to the Imam’s youtube account, I will also post the time this shows up in the video so you can skip to it.

@15:00  Instruction given on spreading da’wah (proselytizing) to non-Muslims about the Islamic faith.

“Don’t say anything that in front of Allah on the (day of judgement) you’re gonna regret. If you can’t say the truth because it’s gonna incriminate you or put you in a bad spot, better not to say anything. But if you’re able to say it, then say it, inshallah.”  

Here is the video:

Washington Imam’s Moral Support for a Convicted Terrorist Fundraiser

It looks like I have a habit of stumbling across questionable characters while researching my current project.  It seems an Imam from Kent, Washington signed a petition on behalf of a man who, one would assume, most people would steer clear of.  The questionable character in this case being Dr. Sami Al-Arian who in May of 2006 plead guilty to “Conspiracy to make or receive contributions of funds, goods or services to or for the benefit of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a Specially Designated Terrorist.”  He was sentenced to five years in prison including three years time served and deportation.  His case was followed closely by many different groups and received national attention as it happened in the year after 9/11, him being a tenured professor at the University of South Florida, as well as his high-profile background.  He was suspected of writing the manifesto of PIJ, he also founded the Islamic Committee for Palestine, and lobbied both political parties for abolishing the use of secret evidence in immigration cases during the 2000 presidential primaries.

Now fast forward to 2008 and a little online petition:

To the Honorable Michael Mukasey, Attorney General of the United States,

We, the undersigned, are writing to you with regards to Dr. Sami Al-Arian. We ask that you honor the plea bargain concluded between the government and Dr. Al-Arian, and allow him to be released as his prison term ended on April 11th, 2008. We also ask that you drop the two charges of contempt brought against Dr. Al-Arian on June 26th for his refusal to testify before a third grand jury on March 20th. Not only do the terms of the plea bargain concluded between Dr. Al-Arian and the government clearly stipulate that he shall not be obligated to testify at any other grand jury, but this was an obvious perjury trap, given that the prosecutor Gordon Kromberg has repeatedly made outrageously bigoted statements against Muslims, publicly supported the principle of punishing those who he finds guilty but who are acquitted in court, and indeed has successfully engineered the perjury conviction of another Muslim acquitted of terrorism charges who is now carrying out a ten-year sentence.

The continued prosecution of Dr. Al-Arian is clearly driven by political ends, just as his original trial was. We ask that you end this abuse of the justice system and allow Dr. Al-Arian to be deported.

Thank you for your time,

The arabic language petition I first noticed is here.  The “undersigned” number in at about 3,800.  Strangely enough the second person I searched the internet for happened to be from Kent, Washington an Imam named Husam Rabi of the Sheikh Abdul Kadir Idriss Mosque who serves their facility in Renton, Washington.

Imam Husam Rabi

Mr. Rabi is listed in at number 29 of the undersigned.

Husam Rabi, Kent

I personally find it disconcerting and a little disturbing that so many Muslims from my state would choose to put their names and reputations behind a man who is convicted of supporting a Palestinian jihad war against the Jews of Israel.  Though to be fair Dr. Al-Arain has also won support from such esteemed groups as the hard leftists at Democracy Now.  It is everyone’s right to sign a petition statement in support of whomsoever they wish, as it is my right to call them out for it.  I would have hoped for a more fair-minded man of learning to run a local mosque than someone with such a controversial stance, though you know that old saying, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.

Quote; thanks to The Investigative Project on Terrorism

Islamic Charity of West London Indoctrinating Youth

While doing research I happened upon a blog from a Muslim charity that on its English language website states that one of their goals is to, “Inprove social participation and integration of ethnic communities.” (direct quote w/ spelling error)

This would seem to be in direct contradiction to a blog post about their “Youth Project 2010”.  The charity organized a group of teenage boys for a trip to Cordoba, Spain to visit the famous “Cordoba Mosque“, which was a mosque for three centuries until it was re-conquered in 1236 and is currently a Cathedral.  The blog posted pictures of the trip with some very questionable descriptive comments showing exactly what this “charity” is teaching the Muslim youth of London.  This is the blog linked on MCWG’s website:

The following are some direct quotes with screen-grabs:

“Feeling quite angry, knowing that we lost Spain, it was all once ours This Could Have Been my DRUMB MAN.”

“But up in Spain the Muslims were all clean and civilised;” … “and the best thing is, instead of Muslims immitating the Kuffar, the Kuffar were imittating the Muslims; Allahu Akbar!”

“The last of the Muslim fighters built a fort in high point in the mountain, and were able hold the enemy back for some time. As we know history repeats it, today the enemy is “beating” the Muslims with weapons such drones and air strikes. The drones of the past were the cannon and this was the only way that they beat the last of the Muslims.”

The only time a non-muslim was directly referred to in the post they were called “kuffar” which many consider a slur, or referred to as the “enemy”.  How exactly is this kind of language supposed to help the immigrant and ethnic youth of the UK integrate well into society as they claim?  There also seems to be quite a bit of revisionist history going on as well, though the extent of this is unclear.  I would urge you to visit both sites and see for yourself the kind of Islamic supremacist indoctrination being taught to disadvantaged young men they are supposedly trying to help.

Epiphanies, Better Late Than Never

I was reading a passage from what has become one of my favorite books of all time,  C.S. Lewis’  “The Screwtape Letters”.  In this book I had finally had an answer to a basic question of my Christian faith that I had wrestled with in the back of my mind for years.  One would assume that every sentient and self-aware person has probably had this question as well; how does predestination affect my life & my faith.  Here was the passage:

He(Man) supposes that the Enemy(God), like himself, sees some things as present, remembers others as past, and anticipates others as future; or even if he believes that the Enemy does not see things that way, yet, in his heart of hearts, he regards this as a peculiarity of the Enemy’s mode of perception–he doesn’t really think *though he would say he did* that things as the Enemy(God) sees them are things as they are!  If you tried to explain to him that men’s prayers today are one of the innumerable co-ordinates with which the Enemy harmonizes the weather of tomorrow, he would reply that then the Enemy always knew men were going to make those prayers and, if so, they did not pray freely but were predestined to do so.  And he would add that the weather on a given day can be traced back through its causes to the original creation of matter itself–so that the whole thing, both on the human and on the material side, is given ‘from the word go’. What he ought to say, of course, is obvious to us; that the problem of adapting the particular weather to the particular prayers is merely the appearance, at two points in his temporal mode of perception, of the total problem of adapting the whole spiritual universe to the whole corporeal universe; that creation in it’s entirety operates at every point of space and time, or rather that their kind of consciousness forces them to encounter the whole, self-consistent creative act as a serious of successive events.  Why that creative act leaves room for their free will is the problem of problems, the secret behind the Enemy’s(God’s) nonsense about ‘Love’.  How it does so is no problem at all; for the Enemy does not foresee the humans making their free contributions in a future, but sees them doing so in His unbounded Now.  And obviously to watch a man doing something is not to make him do it.

Forgive me for quoting at such length but I considered the entire passage important.  I’m coming to learn that you can’t effectively challenge another person’s faith or beliefs if you have no foundation to argue from.  You could say I’m still a baby Christian just figuring it all out, but this hit me, as the saying goes, like a ton of bricks.  I would encourage anyone of any Christian denomination to read this book as it has consistently challenged and at the same time shown me insights into the faith that I thought I knew so well.

3…2…1 Launch

With what will hopefully not become a pattern, the first post of this blog is launched at an ungodly hour of the night with a beer in hand.