Tag Archives: Egypt

Round up of twitter reactions to the terror attacks in southern Israel

Thursday brought a horrific and highly coordinated terror attack against Israeli civilians in the southern region of Israel near the Egyptian border.  A total of 7 people were killed and more than 30 were wounded in the multi-pronged attack along a highway, the terrorists used a combination of guns, suicide vest and a rocket propelled grenade (RPG).  Timeline of the attacks on the Sinai border.

The attackers were chased by the IDF into the Sinai Peninsula where three Egyptians were killed in the crossfire.

“An Israeli plane had been chasing militant infiltrators along the border between Taba and Eliat and one Egyptian Central Security officer and two Central Security men were caught in the line of fire,” the army official said.

Needless to say when intelligence pointed to a group based in Gaza that had traveled through the Sinai to carry out the attacks, the retaliation from Israel the next day was swift and precise.  Israel kills PRC leadership in Gaza strike.

So not even 24 hours after the vicious attacks against Israel and already the pro-Palestinian, hate Israel first crowd is out and making their opinions heard.

This guy wants to protest Israel after Friday prayers, to be fair that really isn’t different than any other Friday in the Middle East…

This guy is taking his job as Palestinian cheerleader very seriously.

Here we learn the importance of having numbers on your side, from a brave mujahideen.

He might not be a master of english grammar but at least it’s pithy.

Here we have an example of some leftist deep-thinking.

You have to give it to this guy, at least he’s honest.

Despite the broken english, I really hope he meant to use a metaphor here…

This one started off with a short history of Islam and then threw in an obligatory “Death to Israel”.

This guy sure sticks to the propaganda even in the middle of a passionate rant.  Let’s just hope he doesn’t live up to his name.

This lovely Muslimah is talking about the kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who has been held by Hamas for the last five years.  This little lady is exemplifying her prophet Muhammad who also considered captured Jews to be, at the best, bargaining chips.

Just a little justification, nothing to see here.

Yes! Take a stand against those evil Israelis who keep flinging themselves onto our bullets! Jerks!

Later in the day terrorists had started lobbing rockets into Israel from Gaza… It must be frustrating to have such bad aim, huh?

I don’t think he made this particular call to Allah dialing out to the “Great and Merciful” prayer line, but maybe that’s just me.

Everyone has to have a goal, I wonder if this is in her five year plan?

Yeah!  Israel you better not start nuthin‘!  And by “start nuthin” I mean you better not retaliate when we shoot you… or something.

I thought Egyptians were busy reveling in their new paradise of democracy, maybe they’re just bored now after all those fun protests are over.  Quick somebody start them on a hobby, like knitting or something.

Whew.  Well that was a horrifying walk through a morass of moral degradation, evil and hypocrisy.  I could hope that I won’t have to see tweets like this ever again but I know that’s not possible.  You might have noticed my twitter handle at the bottom of some of those tweets, if you would like to follow me or just check out my twitter timeline click here.